Friday, 30 March 2012

Quite inspiring

偶然在報章上看到的, 和你分享李嘉誠的十個必須搞清的順序:-

1. 職場: 先升值, 再升職; ( yes, that's my style)

2. 溝通: 先求同, 再求異; (good skill, should learn it)

3. 執行: 先完成, 再完美; (again, my style now)

4. 學習: 先記錄, 再記憶; (I usually do both at the same time)

5. 設計: 先仿造, 再創造; (oh no, I'm not creative, boss!)

6. 創業: 先成長, 再成功; (will try later if time and capital allow)

7. 發展: 先站住, 再站高; (good idea and support!)

8. 人際: 先交流, 再交心; (have to tell PP when he grows up)

9. 先做好自己, 再要求別人; (currently doing at office but not at home!)

10.先解決心情, 再解決事情. (luckily, i seldom have bad mood!)

你又有什麼看法呢, 請分享!

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